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Gc 977.201 B64CR v. 2 Crist, L, M, 1B37-1929. jHiSTORY OF Boone County Indiana
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Old Families
A. W. BOWEN & COMPANY Indianapolis, Indiana
DEDICATION This work is respectfully dedicated to
long since departed. May the memory of those who laid down their burdens
by the wayside ever be fragrant as the breath of summer
flowers, for their toils and sacrifices have made
Boone County a garden of
sunshine and delight.
To write a history is but to commit to words in type events as they have transpired, and to be pure history, it must be colored as little as possible by the views or personal opinions of the writers.
In presenting this history of Boone county, the author has attempted in every instance, to refrain from the expression of his opinions and to give the facts, indeed, it will be noticed, by the careful observer, that the same incident is given, in some instances, in different language, in more than one place, because coming from different sources of seemingly equal authority. I make no claim to originality, but have, with great care and much labor, sifted every possible particle of information, hoping from the mass to collect the best and most important facts and events for preservation.
It has been impossible to publish all of the matter placed at my disposal ; much has, no doubt, been omitted which should have been published, and much, perhaps, has been published which the reader will consider super- fluous. Much information, in the possession of those who should have been glad to furnish it, has been omitted for lack of interest of those parties and their failure to furnish me the facts, though often requested so to do.
The author desires to express his appreciation of the assistance of each and every one that has aided in the work and especially the press of the county. Strange N. Cragun and Ben F. McKey. Also the author desires to pay tribute to the careful and faithful work of Messrs. Harden and Spahr, who published a history of Boone county in 1887.
The earnest endeavor on my part to give a complete history of the county to December i, 1914, will, I trust, be appreciated.
LEANDER M. CRIST. Thorntown, Indiana.
All life and achievement is evolution; present wisdom comes from past experience, and present commercial prosperity has come only from past exer- tion and suffering. The deeds and motives of the men who have gone before have been instrumental in shaping the destinies of later communities and states. The development of a new country was at once a task and a privi- lege. It required great courage, sacrifice and privation. Compare the pres- ent conditions of the people of Boone county, Indiana, with what they were one hundred years ago. From a trackless wilderness and virgin land, it has come to be a center of prosperity and civilization, with millions of wealth, systems of railways, grand educational institutions, splendid industries and immense agricultural and mineral productions. Can any thinking person be insensible to the fascination of the study which discloses the aspirations and efforts of the early pioneers who so strongly laid the foundation upon which has been reared the magnificent prosperity of later days? To perpetuate the story of these people and to trace and record the social, political and indus- trial progress of the community from its first inception is the function of the local historian. A sincere purpose to preserve facts and personal memoirs that are desen-ing of perpetuation, and which unite the present to the past, is the motive of the present publication. The work has been in the hands of an able writer, who has, after much patient study and research, produced here the most complete historical memoirs of Boone county ever offered to the public. A specially valuable and interesting department is that devoted to the sketches of representative citizens of this county whose records desen-e preservation because of their worth, effort and accomplishment. The pub- lishers desire to extend their thanks to the citizens of Boone county for the uniform kindness with which they have regarded this undertaking and for their many services rendered in the gaining of necessary information.
In placing the "History of Boone County, Indiana,"" before the citizens, the publishers can conscientiously claim that they have carried out the plan as outlined in the prospectus. Every biographical sketch in the work has been submitted to the party interested, for correction, and therefore any error of fact, if there be any, is solely due to the person for whom the sketch was prepared. Confident that our efforts to please will fully meet the appro- bation of the public, we are,
CHAPTER I — First Inhabitants — Dominion of European Nations — American
Control — Meaning of Names 25
CHAPTER IT— Mound Builders— Indian Occupancy— Territory Acquired by White
Man 37
CHAPTER III — Geology and Topography — General Features — Rivers — Lakes^
General Natural Features — Soil and Climate of Boone County 63
CHAPTER IV— Public Domain and Its Survey 75
CHAPTER V— Organization of the County— Official Acts Connected with Its Or- ganization— Organization of Various Townships — Where They First Effected Their Settlement — Early-day Mills — Early Roads — Pioneer Schools and
Churches — Customs and Manners of the First Who Established Homes 79
CHAPTER VI— Organization of Territory— Right of Occupation— Origin of the
Name. Hoosier 120
CHAPTER VII— Early Life— Early Recollections— Early Entertainment— Social
Gatherings, etc. 135
CHAPTER VIII— Military History of the County— Mexican Soldiers— Soldiers of the Civil War from This County — Those Who Served in the Late Spanish- American War 168
CHAPTER IX— Bench and Bar of Boone County— Lawyers, Past and Present- Early Courts — Brief Sketches of Oldtime Attorneys 211
CHAPTER X — Agriculture — Agricultural Society — Agricultural Agent — Farmers'
Clubs — Drainage — Native Forest
CHAPTER XI — Educational Development of the County — Early Teachers — Con- gressional Fund — Concentration of Schools — County Seminary 258
CHAPTER XII— Church History— First Churches— Churches of Today 323
CHAPTER XIII— Newspapers of the County 357
CHAPTER XIV — Medical Profession — Early Doctors — Their Experiences — Char- acter of the Pioneer Physicians — Superstition, etc 365
CHAPTER XV— Banks and Banking 384
CHAPTER XVI— Cities and Towns of the County 391
CHAPTER XVII— County Buildings 431
CHAPTER XVIII— Politics of Boone County— Official Roster 442
CHAPTER XIX— Railroads— Traction Lines— Telegraph— Telephone 453
CHAPTER XX— Civic and Benevolent Societies 459
CHAPTER XXI— Boone County Cemeteries 502
CHAPTER XXII— Early Life and Early Settlement in Each Township 515
Advance 400
Agriculture 225
Growth 226
Productions 226
School Work 242
Clubs 242
Farmers' Short Course 243
Agricultural Agent 235
Annual Report 236
Seed Corn Testing Week 237
Orchard Demonstration 238
Milk Testing 238
Alfalfa Tour 239
Field Demonstration 239
Contests 240
Agricultural Society 228
First Fair 229
Report 230
Al-Si 232
Anakims. The 35
Apotheosis of the Pioneer, An 515
Archway 503
Auditors 450
Banks and Banking 384
First Bank in County 385
Banks of Cities and Towns 386
State Bank of Advance 1038
Bench and Bar 211
Court Room of Early Days 211
Judicial Circuits 211
Bench and Bar —
History of Courts from Organiza- tion to Present 212
Circuit Court 214
Early Judges 214
Early Attorneys 215
Twentieth Judicial Circuit 222
Bonsall, Mabel 500
Boone, Betty 164
Boone, Daniel 530
Boone's Oldest Male Resident 152
Boy Wanted 149
Boyd, Adaline (Burk) 512
Bravery of a Kentucky Girl ISO
Burckhalter, Marietta Mills 426
Business and Manufactures 531
Boss Manufacturing Co., The 1039
Dairy Cream Separator Co., The- 910 Poland-China Hogs, Dr. Tucker's-1042
Center Township 113-518
Location 113
County-seat 114
Early Settlement 115
Churches 115
Schools 116
Roads 117
Century Mark Passed 383
Cemeteries, Boone County 502
Churches 322
Methodist Episcopal Ministers, Zionsville 324
Methodist Episcopal Ministers,
Lebanon and Whitestown 355
Methodist Episcopal, Lebanon 322
Christian or Disciples 324
Presbyterian 3-5
St. Joachim 327
First Baptist 328
First Christian 329
Seventh Day Adventist 331
United Brethren '■'''^'^
African Methodist Episcopal 332
Methodist Episcopal, Jamestown.. 333
Methodist Episcopal, Salem 335
Methodist Episcopal, Thorn- town 335-49
Presbyterian 337
Missionary Society 323
Christian 347
Civil War 168
Causes Leading to it 168
Call for Volunteers 172
Knights of the Golden Circle 172
Organization of Companies 175
Facts About the Conflict 176
Clarkstown 400
Clinton Township 88-521
Location ^8
Early Settlement 89
Churches : ^^
Schools 90
ElizaviUe 91
Commissioners, County 446
Corn (White Man) 139
Coroners 452
Courthouse 431
Dedication 431
Hon. Chas. Fairbanks' Speech 436
Crawford Home, The 439
Dover — Drainage
Eagle Township 108-522
Location ^^
Early Settlement 108
Early Ministers 109
Churches 11°
Schools 110
Eagle Village 108
Early Life in Boone County 134
Traveling in Early Days 135
First Roadways 136
Early Recollections 141-514
Talks of the Old Days 153
Interesting Things Relative to
Early Times 156
Education 258
Engleman, Joseph 61
Essay by W. H. Mills 1S9
Essay on Forestry 253
Fayette 401
Forest, Our Native 247
Oak 248
Tulip 249
Walnut 250
Elm 250
Linden 250
Beech 250
Flowery Trees 251
Tree as an Engineer 255
Plea for Trees 255
Gadsden 402
Geology and Topography 62
Period. Post-Tertiary 63
Wells 65
Coal 63
Gospel Temperance Meetings 480
Governor, Vote of 425
Growth of County in 84 Years 148
Harrison Township 103-521
Location 103
Early Settlement 103
Roads ^ 104
Churches 104
Schools 105
Hazelrigg 402
History Unique, A 483
Hoath, Lydia M. 499
Hoosier, Origin of 129
Horse Breeders' Association 241
Indiana, Map of 72i
Indians 40
Indian Wars 58
Treaties 42
Reserves 50
Indian Village 51
Death of Tecumseh 53
Treaty of St. Mary's 55
Close of Reserve 56
Indian Controversy 57
Harmar's Expedition 59
Indian Lore 505
Indian's Plea for Prohibition, An 476
Infirmary, County 239
Jackson Township 100-522
Location 100
Early Settlement 100
Churches 101
Schools 102
Roads 102
Jail, Boone County 438
First 438
Second 438
Third 438
Present 438
Jamestown 402
Jefferson Township 98-520
Location 98
Early Settlement 98
Churches 98
Schools 99
Roads 99
Judson Baptist Association 349
Lebanon 396
Location 396
First Settlement 396
Present Condition 399
Libraries 440
List of Commissioned Officers, Civil
War 179
List of Non-commissioned Officers
and Privates, Civil War 181
Marion Township 84-520
Location 84
Early Settlement 84
Roads 86
Schools 86
Churches 86
Towns 87
Masters, M. D., Luella M 501
Matthews, Mattie 499
Mechanicsburg 404
Medical Profession 365
Pioneer Physicians 365-381
Fees 369
Pioneer Ideas and Beliefs 370
Sketches of Pioneer Physicians— 378
List of Early Physicians 382
List of Present Day Physicians 382
Memorial Day 173
MilledgeviUe 403
Mills, Col. Anson 413
Mills, James P 421
Mills, Sarah Kenworthy 421
Miscellaneous 530
What They Say of Us 533
Then and Now 535
Faithful Ox, The 538
Tom and Dick 539
Autochthon, Story of 234
Mondamin (Indian) 138
Mound Builders 37
Names and Ages of Survivors of the Civil War and Spanish-Ameri- can War, living in Thorntown — 208
National Cemeteries 175
New Brunswick 405
Newley, Jesse (Millikan) 498
Newspapers 357
Lebanon, Newspapers of 357
Thorntown, Newspapers of 362
Zionsville, Newspaper of 362
Jamestown, Newspaper of 363
Whitestown, Newspaper of 364
Northfield 405
Organization of County 79
Location 83
Survey 1. 84
Organization of Territory 121
Organization of Various Townships. 83
Orphans' Home 439
Our Foremothers 523
Our Title to Indiana 41
Outlook for Boone County 543
Passing of Pisa, The 251
Perry Township 105-520
Location 105
Early Settlement 105
Churches 106
Schools 107
Roads 107
Pioneer Home of James P. Mills 42?
Politics 442
Prehistoric Works 36
Prosecuting Attorneys, Circuit
Court 451
Prosecuting Attorneys, Common
Pleas Court 451
Public Domain and Its Surveys 74
Canal Land 75
Michigan Road Lands 75
Swamp Lands 76
Seminary Lands 11
University Lands 77
College Fund Lands 11
School Lands 78
Recorders 450
Railroads 453
Indianapolis. Cincinnati & LaFay- ette 453
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville
(Monon Route) 453
Raiment 129
Report of County Supt. of Schools— 532
Representatives in Congress 445
Reunion, Thorntown Academy 303
Rosston 406
Royalton 406
Schools 258
Early School Houses 259
Teachers 260
Congressional Fund 273
Consolidation of Schools 276
County Schools 277
Concentration of Schools 281
County Seminary 283
Thorntown Academy 286
Schools, Lebanon 317
Presbyterian Academy 319
Secretary of State, Vote of 445
Sheriffs 450
Skeleton, of Indian Chief 504
Slavery, Question of 130
Societies, Secret 458
Underground Railroad 132
Woman's Relief Corps 468
Temperance 472
Woman and the Church 482
Woman's Franchise 484
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union 485
Ananias Club 490
Spanish-American War 203
Names of Those That Enlisted 204
Roll of Honor 208
Story of 1830, A Real 509
Sugar Creek Township 94-519
Location 94
Early Settlement 94
Schools 96
Churches 97
Roads 97
Sunday Schools 493
County Conventions 495
Surface and Soil 80
Drainage 80
Drift, The 81
Areas of Different Soils 83
Surveyors 452
Telephones of Boone, The 455
Terhune 407
Thanksgiving Story 162
Threshing 148
Thorntovifn 407
Early Settlers 408
Schools 408
Committee Reports 409
Traction Lines 454
Lebanon-Thornton Traction Co.— 454 Terre Haute, Indianapolis & East- ern Traction Co. 454
Treasurers 450
Union Township 111-520
Location 111
Early Settlement HI
Churches 111
Roads 112
Ward 428
Washington Township 91-522
Location 91
Early Settlement 91
Churches 92
Schools 92
Mechanicsburg 93
Roads 93
Whitestown 428
Location 428
Early Business Men 429
Worth Township 118-523
Location 118
Early Settlement 119
Schools 120
Churches 120
Zionsville 429
Location 429
Adair, D. W. 651
Adair, James W. 651
Adams, George E. 583
Adler, Phil 892
Adney, Roy W 585
Airhart, Dr. Joseph O. 832
Allen, George 648
Allen, Thomas F. 648
Armstrong, I. N. 901
Ashley, Robert T. 654
Ball, M. D., James R. 593
Barker, Isaac N. 851
Barker, Murray S. 850
Batterton, James W. 1030
Beard, Eliza A. 848
Beard, Jarrett S. 849
Bechtell, Jacob A. L..102S
Beck, Larkin 940
Belles, Isaac H. 916
Billingsly, Robert D. 660
Billingsly, Samuel 663
Booher, Benjamin 1006
Bowen, Samson 930
Bowers, Reiter Cragun 909
Bowman, Henry 721
Bowman, William H. 720
Brandenburg, William 987
Brendel, M. D., J. F. 630
Brosar, Walter H. 1040
Brown, Caleb O. 640
Brown, John S. 640
Brown, John T. 792
Brush, D. D. S., Forest G. 865
Brush, Henry C. 866
Brush, James 866
Burns, David M. 896
Burns, Andrew 896
Caldwell, Thomas V. 886
Callane, Richard 911
Callane, W. E. 911
Campbell, George W. 608
Campbell. Mark 611
Carter, Henry 765
Carter, Newton 764
Carter. Samuel R. 1044
Cason, Samuel L. 856
Chilson, Edna A. 1014
Clark, Andrew J. 606
Clark, David M. 606
Clouser, Martin L. 694
Cobb, Jacob S. 872
Cobb, William 618
Cobb, William F. 618
Colgrove, Riley 1015
Comley, George M. 771
Conrad, Ira E. 629
Conrad, Rufus 946
Conrad, William 629
Coombs, Ben F. 846
Coombs, George 846
Coons, M. D., Henry N 602
Coulson, George 830
Coulson, Jonathan E. 830
■Cowan, Hon. John M. 876
Cragun, Strange N. 907
Crist, George Weller 680
Crist, James Weller 680
Crist, Leander Mead 680
Crist, Mark B. 935
Crose, David 860
Crose. William B. 860
Daily, Americus C. 1018
Daily, Charles D. 1046
Darnell, William H. Hi
Darnell, William J. 723
Davenport, Milton S. 988
Davis, Edgar W. 743
Davis, Isaac T. 970
Davis, John H. 932
Davis, John W. 743
Denger, Charles H. 646
Denger, Peter 647
DeVol. William J. 840
Dodson, Vasco 734
Dodson, William H. 734
Dulan, John A. 931
Dulan, Thomas W. 931
Duvall, Jacob 810
Duvall, John A. 810
Dye, James M. 786
Ellis, Thomas 977
Ellis, William H. 977
Endres, Dominick A. 822
Everett, George A. 725
Everett, John 725
Farrow, Hon. John A. 705
Farrow, Thomas 705
Felker, Adam H. 782
Godfrey, Charles 798
Goldsberry, John J. 1054
Goldsberry, Thomas 1056
Halpin, Dennis 652
Hamilton, Gilbert H. 919
Hamilton, John 919
Harbaugh, Thomas G. 789
Harmon, James 787
Harris, Elwood T. 716
Harris, Mathew T. 716
Hart, James F. 779
Harting, George H. 690
Harting, Hiram B. 691
Harvey, M. D. 91Z
Hawkins, Benjamin F. 1041
Haworth, Samuel 880
Hazelrigg, Maj. H. G. 1047
Head, Manson 796
Head, S. C. 797
Heath, Samuel S. 1008
Hill, Joseph 697
Hill, William L. 696
Hinshaw, Frank 587
Hinshaw. T. H. 587
Howard, Charles C. 693
Howard, John 714
Howard, Richard W. 714
Holler, Andrew 759
Holler, James E. 758
Hollingsworth, Samuel 906
Hooton, Ashpbell P. W. 627
Hooton, John 628
Huber, Harvey W. 727
Huber. Valentine 727
Huckelberry, Irvin T. 747
Hussey, John S. 768
Hussey, William 768
Hutchinson, William H. 1034
Imel, Ralph W. 604
Isenhour, Bert 900
Isenhour, James 657
Isenhour, Jonathan 657
Jackson, Elisha 938
Jarrell, Nancy 1048
Jones, Benjamin 733-41
Jones, Thomas J. 741
Kern, Jacob 757
Kersey, James H. 752
Kibbey, James H 670
Klingler, Abraham L. 659
Klingler, Francis 659
Kohn, Daniel 766
LaFoUette, Harvey M. 729
LaFollette, Jesse 730
Lane, Emsley J. 666
Lane, Levi 1003
Lane, Samuel B. 748
Lane, William U. 666
Laughlin, Samuel H. 775
Laughlin, Vincent 776
Laughner, J. T. Frank 852
Lemon, William 745
Lemon, William N. 745
Lewis, Martin 1028
Longley, Rev. Abner H. 396-994
Loose, Frank E. 888
McDaniel, Harry 975
McDowell, Henry H. 836
McGee, John 732
McGee, M. D., Joseph A. 732
McKey, Ben F. 890
McRoberts, Benjamin B. 990
Maish, John W. 613
Maish, Joseph 614
Maple, Arthur 922
Miller, Jacob S. 668
Miller, John D. 668
Millikan, William W. 820
Mills, Anson 952
Mills, James P. 962
Mills. John M. 634
Mills, Sarah K. 962
Moore, James B. 739
Moore, John Stanley 806
Morrison, John W. 676
Morrow, Loring W. 835
Nelson. Dr. A. F. 1026
Nelson, Thomas J. 1027
Newby, Granville 738
Newby, Presley 738
Nicely, James M. 1032
Orear, Charles D. 942
Orear, Dr. John H. 942
Ottinger, Roy N. 891
Parr, Jesse A. 591
Parr. Jacob 112
Parr, Nelson J. 772
Parr, Judge Willett H 588
Perkins, Jacob 1024
Perrill. John 882
Perrill, Nathan A. 882
Retry. Frank 1021
Pugh, Ellas 788
Ralston, Hon. Samuel M. 573
Reagan, M. D., Jesse Stanley 707
Reed, David W. 711
Reed, John 711
Richey, James 843
Ridpath, John C. 1049
Riggins, Vallandingham 1036
Riley, James 689
Riley, Lewis C. 688
Ritchie, Andrew W. 800
Ritchie, Morris 800
Roberts, Clarence 808
Rodman. Capt. Carson P. 984
Rogers, Elza O. 581
Rose, Lewis 686
Rose, M. D., Madison Hall 685
Routh, John F. 638
Sanford, William J 1013
Scott, Charles W 1001
Scott, James M. 1003
Servies, Edgar M. 1016
Shapley, Thomas R. ^^^
Shapley, William 778
Sharp, Ira M. 616
Shaw, Albert M. 781
Shaw, C. W. 650
Shaw, John M. 650
Shaw, Nelson 781
Shumate, Capt. Felix 998
Silver, George W. 625
Silver, Samuel 656
Sims, Rev. C. N. 1051
Small, James M. 968
Smith. Aaron J. 595
Smith. Eli 596
Smock, James A. 928
Snodgrass, James 598
Snodgrass, Robert 598
Spencer, Alexander O. 698
Stall, Robert S. 763
Stark, Albert W. - 912
Stark, John P. 912
Stephenson, John 948
Stephenson, Samuel H. 950
Stoltz, George 978
Stoker, Benjamin L. 665
Stoker, Tyrie 665
Sumpter, Edward D. 760
Sumpter, Scott T. 760
Swope, Ebenezer H. 812
Swope, Joseph M. 812
Taylor, Charles A. 750
Titus, Samuel 728
Tucker, M. D., Jesse E. 802
U Umberhine, M. D.. Charles D 791
Waddle, Isaac 637
Waddle, Montraville 636
Waltz, John 902
Waltz, Theodore C. 902
Welch, Charles F. 678
Whitely, Enoch 702
Whitely, William 702
Whittinghill. Robertson 870
Whittinghill. William E. 870
Williams, M. D., William H 1022
Wilson, George 927
Wilson, Joseph M. 926
Wilson, William H. 769
Witham, Flavius J. 826
Witham, William 827
Wood, Henry K. 625
Wood, William J 625
Worley, James M. 980
Worley, William F 980
Wright, Samuel 638
Wyant, Williard O 751
Young, James H. 862
Young, John T. 862
r,i>y. s.\Arri:i> m
The rise of a man from farmer boy, ox driver, coal miner, country ■school teacher, to the highest office within the gift of the people of a sovereign state, is an evidence of greatness — greatness of energy, of ability, of perse- verance, of heart qualities and of character. Such is the life story of the subject of this sketch.
Samuel Moffett Ralston, governor of Lidiana, was born on a farm near New Cumberland, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, December i, 1857. His father, John Ralston, was a native of Virginia, and his mother, Sarah Ralston, nee Scott, was born in Pennsylvania. His great-grandfather, Andrew Rals- ton, was born in Scotland February 25, 1753, and came to this country with his parents when but a small boy. With the exception of Andrew and a sister, the entire Ralston family was massacred by the Indians in Pennsyl- vania. Grown to manhood, Andrew served for seven years in the Revolu- tionary war as a member of the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment and was taken prisoner on Long Island August 27, 1776. When the war was over he mar- ried Sophia Waltemeyer, of Irish descent, and moved to Ohio, where they reared a family. Andrew Ralston lies buried by the side of his wife in Beech Spring cemetery, Harrison county, Ohio.
Governor Ralston came to this state with his parents in the spring of 1865, when they moved to Owen county, Indiana, where his father purchased and operated a large stock farm. In his early youth Mr. Ralston did not have an opportunity to secure an education, but early in his young manhood he realized that if he was to achieve the position in life that his ambitions sought for that he must have an education, so he applied himself until he was able to secure a license to teach school. For seven years he taught school
during the winter months and attended summer school during the summer. During all this time a portion of his earnings went to the support of his parents, his father having failed financially in the panic of 1873. He at- tended the Northern Indiana School at ^^alparaiso and the Central Indiana Normal School at Danville, Indiana, graduating from the latter institution in the scientific course in August, 1884.
He studied law in the of^ce of Robinson & Fowler at Spencer, Indiana, and was admitted to the bar January i, 1886, and located in Lebanon, In- diana, in June of that year, for the practice of his profession. He is a lawyer of distinction, having taken part in the trials of some of the most important cases in the state. He has few equals as a cross-examiner of witnesses and is especially strong in cases involving the rules of equity or the constitutional- ity of statutes. In the prosecution of cases he is vigorous and is regarded by many as one of the foremost defensi\-e criminal lawyers of the state.
He was nominated by his party for governor of Indiana in 1912, by acclamation. He is the only governor of this state since Thomas A. Hen- dricks to have been so honored by a political party. In the election of 1912 he carried eighty-three of the ninety -two counties and received a plurality of one hundred and nine thousand two hundred and thirty-three.
He was president of the Lebanon school board, August i, 1908. to July 31. 191 1. He was also presidential elector in 1892-3. Other than the above, he ne\er held public ofifice until he was inaugurated governor of Indiana on the 13th day of January. 1913.
While attending normal school at Danville, Mr. Ralston made the ac- quaintance of Miss Jennie Craven, of Hendricks county, Indiana, who was also preparing to teach. Common interests and a strong" mutual attraction brought them closer together and resulted in an early engagement. Mrs. Ralston's many excellent qualities are obvious even to the superficial observer. Her good sense and pronounced love of simplicity, her sincerity, and devotion to principle make her the ardent supporter of all measures that contribute to domestic happiness and social well-being. During the years that Mr. Ralston studied law JMiss Craven taught at Bloomington and Elletsville. In 1889 they were married and at once began housekeeping at Lebanon, where their home became known for its hospitality, amiability and cheer. The restful harmony that prevailed there from the first was felt in the entire community. The many fine qualities that endear Mr. Ralston to his clients, to his asso-
tiates, and the children are most strongly in evidence at home where Mrs. Ralston spends in like measure the full force of her fine personality. As is usual in such fortunate marriages, the superior mental and moral endow- ments of the wife are a constant source of encouragement and inspiration to the husband. He owes much to the good sense and genuineness of her nature and above all to her high standard of masculine integrity and professional probity. These quiet years of happy domestic life have fixed in each the fundamental principles of sane, sound living. Their convictions on the sacredness of home life, and the paramount necessity of preserving such domestic ideals in high places make these two people the safest possible guardians of the first home of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralston have three children, Emmet Grattan, an electrical engineer, having graduated from Purdue University : Julian Craven, a stu- dent at Indiana University, and Ruth, a pupil in Shortridge High School at Indianapolis.
Politically, Mr. Ralston has always been identified with the Democratic party. His devotion to the party of his choice is based on the careful study of Jeffersonian principles. Those who know him most intimately are unani- mous in praise of his remarkable personality and declare that his sincerity and wholesome love for mankind give him a power that places him high above mere party consideration.
In proof of his political sagacity and sound judgment in the interpreta- tion of the federal constitution it is both opportune and fitting to make some note of a speech delivered by Mr. Ralston in June, 1900, when presiding over the Democratic State convention. In that year and some years previous much has been said in advocacy of congressional legislation for the more eiifective control of trusts. Many Republican and a few Democratic congressmen contended that Congress has no power to control the giant com- binations without a constitutional amendment. In September or October of 1900 Philander C. Knox, then a member of President McKinley's cabinet, made his great speech in support of the proposition that a constitutional amendment is not necessary to enable Congress to deal successfully and effi- ciently with the trust question. As before stated, Mr. Ralston spoke on the same subject in June, 1900, some months before Mr. Knox. Capable judges who heard Mr. Ralston on that occasion pronounced his keynote speech the most forceful utterance his party had ever heard on a similar occasion, and
on the motion of the venerable David S. Gooding, of Greenfield, the conven- tion did the unusual thing of extending to Air. Ralston a rising vote of thanks for his masterly effort. This terse, positive statement illustrates the force of his reasoning and the effectiveness of his judgment:
"Under the constitution given us by the fathers, this government has the power to deal effectively with anything that makes against the general welfare. If it has not this power, then it has not the power to live."
Always actively identified with the Democratic party, .Mr. Ralston on several occasions has had conferred upon him nominations on his party ticket. He was his party's candidate for joint senator for Boone, Clinton and Montgomery counties in i8S8, but after a brilliant race went to defeat with his party in a hopelessly Republican district. In 1896 he was nominated for secretary of state, and again in 1898, but each time suffered defeat at the polls, not by reason of personal unpopularity but because the fortunes of his party were lost in the tide of popular disfavor. In each race he made a splendid showing. In 1898 he led his ticket, carrying Boone county by over five hundred votes — the largest plurality given there in years to any candidate on any ticket.
When Mr. Ralston was a candidate for governor in 1908 and in 1912, Boone county loyally stood back of him afnd enthusiastically supported him.
The first public gathering held in the new court house at Lebanon was a non-partisan meeting held by the citizens of Boone county on January 3, 1912, in the interest of Mr. Ralston's candidacy for the nomination for gov- ernor. This meeting, in size, enthusiasm and sentiment expressed, surpassed anything of the kind in the history of the county, if not of the state. -A.11 Boone county participated in that demonstration. No finer tribute could have been paid to the man and the citizen. Representatives from all ranks of society were one in their spontaneous expressions of regard. Of his qualifi- cations for the office all were assured. His learning and versatility were re- peatedly emphasized, his moral qualities as warmly commended. But best of all was the readv recognition of his kindness, of his broad charity and of his magnanimity of judgment. It is these essentially human qualities that have endeared him to his community.
More noteworthy, perhaps, than the meeting just described was the one held by the women of Boone county. Regardless of political affiliations, the women came from all parts of the county to give expression to their high
regard for Mr. Ralston. The large court room in the new court house could not accommodate the audience and scores were unable to gain admittance. The women enthusiastically praised him as a citizen and a neighbor and \-oiced their faith in him as one able to measure up to their high standard of manhood and citizenship.
Governor Ralston"s remarkable strength of body and mind, his quick and sure insight into the intricacies of civic machinery, his readiness for instant action have given him a wonderful mastery over the numerous details of his office and made him a most excellent judge of state and economic problems and singular courage and determination have marked his conduct while in office. He is absolutely fearless in the execution of measures that seem to him right and necessary. Xo selfish consideration can dissuade him from a judgment that he pronounces sound, that calls for prompt and efficient action.
During the session of the Legislature of 1913 a public utilities bill was before that body. While the bill was in the Senate it was the subject of many conferences and much delay was had in bringing the bill to a vote. It has been subsequently revealed that it was the plan of those opposed to the pas- sage of the bill to delay action upon it until such a date as it would be im- possible to secure the passage of a desirable utility measure. One of the means by which those opposed to the measure sought to throttle its passage was a secret caucus. Fvclative to the desirability of throwing the public utility measure out of caucus and putting it upon the Moor of the Senate for open discussion, Governor Ralston gave out the following statement :
"I have been careful, since becoming Governor, to say and do nothing that would give any one ground for thinking I was trying, as Governor, to usurp the functions of the legislature, and I shall continue to pursue this course.
"1 cannot close my eyes to the fact, howe-\-er, that the legislature is Hear- ing its constitutional time limit, and that many important bills are yet to be acted upon. One of these is the public utilities bill.
"1 regret \ery much the seeming inability of the Senate to make proper headwa_\' with this measure. I feel certain that the majority of the Demo- cratic Senators favor the passage of the bill. Every Democratic Senator witli whom I have spoken on the subject has assured me he was in favor of a good utility law.
"In view of the fact, therefore, that the Senate is overwhelmingly
Democratic, and that no Democratic Senator has declared against a utility law, and that all the minority members are giving out that they too are for such legislation, / wish the Democratic Senators who stand for the right sort of legislation on this subject would favor calling off the caucus on the Shiz-ely- Spcnccr bill, so that the proposed amcnduicnts to it might be fought out in the open on the floor of the Senate. The people are entitled to know where the Democratic party stands on this measure and if this bill is to be amended before its passage, so that it will be worthless as a law, or if it is to be killed, the people. are entitled to know the influences that defeated the public will."
Needless to say he carried his point and secured the desired legislation.
Soon after the adjournment of the legislature he was confronted with the llood situation — the most serious the state ever knew. He gave himself up entirely to the relief work at the sacrifice of all personal comfort and de- voted himself so untiringly to the task that he was forced to spend but an inconsiderable sum of the state's money for the relief of the distressed.
Allusion has already been made to the Governor's unusual moral cour- age He had ample opportunity to test it during the period of legislative acti\ity. That he is a man possessed of real heroism, of such physical cour- age as makes heroes on the battle field and martyrs if need be in the forum, was strikingly illustrated during the great street-car strike in Indianapolis in October and November, 1913. It was a situation in which ordinary men would have failed in effort or shirked in duty, but Governor Ralston stood his ground and proved his mettle to the admiration of all who with feeling of intense anxiety and no little apprehension witnessed the scene. The strike had with premeditation been called on the eve of the city election in the hope of embarrassing the executive by the necessity of calling out the troops to avert riot and insurrection. The Go\ernor had up to this time been unsuc- cessful in effecting an adjustment between the s